Preseasonal Friendly Games in Antalya
Benefits of Football for children
Today, when sports are considered as a waste of time because of the idea that childrens’ development should be only educational, even the time remaining after school is tried to be evaluated with courses.
This is extremely wrong and unfortunately affects a child's development negatively. Sports is an activity that allows children to develop physically, socially and mentally. It even relieves people spiritually.
Sport in child’s development, has a very important place. Each sport can havecommon and unique benefits for a child. Basketball is also a sport that contributes to the development of children. It’s a sport that saves today’s children from being inactivite, ensures their socialization and discipline.
Social Benefits
Basketball is a sport that provides social benefits in the development of children. Because it’s a sport played as a team and should remain in communication, it also enables a child to develop himself / herself in this direction. The social benefits of basketball as follows;
- Gives a team spirit
- Teaches team collaboration and sharing
- Learns to obey the rules of the game as a result of limits and rules
- Enables development and effective use of communication skills
- Develops problem solving skills
- Teaches the sense of competition and respect to the opponent
- Ensures self-confidence and develops responsibility awareness
Physical and SportiveBenefits
Basketball is a sport that is spent on high efforts level. It also contributes to the development of children physically thanks to the movements it contains. Below we list the common and unique benefits of basketball with other sports branches;
- It provides development of children's athletic ability
- Ensures that the body is agile and flexible
- Increases strength and endurance of the body
- Provides development of bones and muscles
- Too much calories spent to keep the body in shape
In basketball, as in every sport, it’s essential that one takes care of himself and eats well. Thanks to the healthy nutrition and sleep pattern of the sport, the benefits are maximized.
It has been observed that physical activity excretes growth hormone in children, and in this respect, the physical and mental development of children with regular and balanced nutrition is more striking. This shows that in order for our children to be successful individuals in life, sports must also be present in their lives. Sports will always support our children in social life, education, work life and health.
Nowadays together with sport camps there are camps in different areas. For example children or young people are taken to question camps, youth camps, social camps, opinion camps, diabetes camps and many others.Nowadays together with sport camps there are camps in different areas. For example children or young people are taken to question camps, youth camps, social camps, opinion camps, diabetes camps and many others. Although all of them are different, their aim is to remove the participants from their environment and increase their motivation in order to do the job they love in a calm and peaceful environment.The purpose of basketball or sports camps in general is sharing, discipline, gentlemanness as well as the basic skills of the sport that he has loved.In addition to all these, the camping environment in the destination is to be explored. Like mountains, sea, forests.
Our last 5th camp, which we also run as a club, has come to an end. Our philosophy, “unconditional happiness of our children”, continues to increase in the first establishment of the club during the three years since we founded the club. I was very happy to stay in the same environment for 3 nights and 4 days with our children. First of all, we went to Izmir in 2009 and organized a 5-day camp with our children. Many of them here met for the first time.
- Stay apart from his family,
- Board on a plane,
- Play bowling,
- To go to the zoo and watch the animals that he can't see anywhere else in his life but on a television screen,
- Going to the cinema,
- Watching a match in the BEKO basketball league was the first event that most of our children experienced.
On the other hand, while they are in camps, children learn the team spirit, unity and feelings of belonging to a group by gaining self-confidence in being independent and independent individuals within the group. These feelings will open the door to harmonious behaviour in the family and business environments where they will live in their future lives, and to successfully and happily live in society by understanding people.They wanted to shape our future by raising like sprouts, they wanted to have an impact on the children's souls in the camps, we collected their ideas as a survey of how they expressed their feelings;None of us missed and cried for his family. When I think of why, the answer is very simple, actually you, sir, and everyone with us.Thank you very much for making me and my brothers feel the lack of parents and have a family here
Jalal Aktuglu – I’m glad I joined this camp. I'm so happy to be here. We organized events every day and played matches. I have a family here. My teachers and coaches are my parents and my friends are my brothers.When we look backtoday to the passed days, I would like to share some of the camp summaries from our children.
Yagmur Shenyigit-After an exhausting lesson period, it was really enjoyable to be in the basketball camp organized by the Soyer basketballschool. The camp was beautiful since its first day. The first day of the camp we went to museums and castles related to the history of Cyprus. In fact, none of us read it carefully.
As a result of the information given by our teachers, my conclusion is that “a generation that does not know its past is growing”. Many thanks to basketball school for organizing such an event.Barchin Myuezzinoglu-I had more fun this year if compared with the last year's camp. I have spent more fun with my friends as I grew up this summer, spending time with my friends and teachers, increasing my knowledge about basketball, and having a better time with my friendsYes, we will try our best to grow our childrens' “unconditional happiness” in a healthy and happy way. Kids are our future.Like Dogan Cüceloğlu said!
Let’s live “For children to laugh!” . Because a human’s Motherland is his childhood. If kids grow up laughing, playing, adults finally laugh. When the elders are happy and smile, the whole country, all humanity laughs. Greetings to everyone who serves to children's laughter!
The place where ‘Me’ becomes 'Us': Youth Camps
Summer camps are starting with the participation of high school and university students. In camps away from the individualistic attitude of the system, there is common wisdom and learning in the foreground. Young people interpret political processes in camps, develop team spirit and persuasion skills.The Youth Union of Turkey,which has adopted the slogan "we will build our country's future with our hands", continues this year in the summer camps, which Turkish High Schools Association organizes every year.It became traditional, held in Antalya on 27 August - 1 September. Young people say they are looking forward to these camps all year long, already in a busy pace of work.So why should young people go camping? What does youth expect in this camp and why do they do it every year? As a reporter who participated in the camps in the previous years, I will convey the answers to these questions.
Young people are throwing away the fatigue of their work during the year in these camps. They're preparing for the new era again. It’s aimed to learn, discuss, increase creativity and produce fun in the camps where political processes are interpreted and the new period is planned. Another goal of the camp is to improve team spirit and persuasion skills through sports competitions and games.
A camp begins with placement of young people in the area and distribution of duties. The camp is being transformed into a collective habitat. Establishment of tents, food cooking, cleaning of the area – all this is done together. The emergence of a job in the camp brings with it sharing of tasks. No one works alone, and nobody has to wait for his friend to fulfil his job. Because, from sports competitions to shopping, safety, nutrition and cleaning, every job has a responsibility scope and working group.Young people take the system in front of them in camps and keep it till the end of every job without being rehashed. With wake up early in the morning the day starts with sport (07.00). Then they prepare breakfast, make newspaper survey and agenda assessment. During the day, trainings and workshops are organized.
An equal number of working groups is created for group games where different fiction and topics are discussed and presentations are made. Each group has its creativity with their friends. Each group has names, anthems and slogans. These studies carried out with a sweet competition are far from the individualistic attitude of the system. Each group collects scores with their work. One of these games brings a winner, but the winner is always a friend. In the group, common wisdom comes to the foreground, to learn and to address. Everyone carries out the duties set out in the group.After lunch together, workshops are started. With workshops created last year for the first time in camps, many young people reveal their skills. Young people make up their own model of education in these camps.The fatigue of the day after the work is thrown with sports activities. They hold tournaments of such sports as football, volleyball, basketball, chess, backgammon and table tennis. Every young person who is a university and high school student can participate in camps, ending with evaluation meetings and music listening